I am still in LA and still go to gigs (mostly Techno parties/clubs, nowadays) ... 52 years younghydro wrote:totally cool!! thanks Greg!Mike wrote: It's truly a pleasure to have someone who lived these early shows come by and give us the 411 needed.
I always wonder when I look at the crowds in old pics or videos.."where are these people?" haha! well,here is one of them:) welcome!

Ever since my late teens I have sought out the new and interesting/challenging in music ... Psi Com were definitely new & interesting in 1983/1984! They were loosely aligned with the IPR (Independent Projects Records) axis and I knew many of those people from always going to gigs - Bruce Licher and Ethan Port (Savage Republic), Dino Paredes (Red Temple Spirits), the 2 main guys in Drowning Pool, Abecedarians and so on. In mid 1985 my ex and I moved into a loft east of downtown LA, so we were in a good position to keep tabs on things in the LA scene at the time.
So yeah, I am indeed "one of them" ... I bought "Worktape 1" at one of the Psi Com gigs (at the Anti-Club I think, but I could be wrong) and still own it. I also have the "L.A. Mantra II" tapes as well.