Tour Section Update

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Tour Section Update

Post by helicine »

I updated the tour section over the weekend.


The tour section is now mobile friendly. The font sizes have been increased, and the layout should dynamically adjust depending on if you are holding your phone upright or sideways (holding it sideways will give you the most computer-like experience). No more horizontal scrolling (w/ one exception, see below)

The tour section now also conforms better to the current design of the site.

The thumbnails of the artwork are now 60% larger.

Posting links from the tour section on Facebook or Twitter should now include an image from the artwork section (assuming there is one, otherwise you'll get a generic picture from the gallery that I picked).


Facebook's tracking ID was breaking the URLs in the tour section, causing links from FB to go to the tour homepage. This has been fixed, and links should now go to the correct show entry (Thanks Mike!)


The tour filter from still requires horizontal scrolling on mobile when holding your phone upright. I'm trying to sort out a more mobile friendly design.
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Re: Tour Section Update

Post by helicine »

Update: I've hidden the "show type" and "show status" columns from the tour list when the phone is held upright. Additionally, the filter is also hidden when viewed in this manner. Both columns, along with the filter will show up when the phone is held sideways. This is similar to how you see more columns and information in the forums when holding your phone in the wider orientation.
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Re: Tour Section Update

Post by Mike »

Thanks for fixing the link issue. I link to tour pages all the time and it’s great to see that working. I’m getting used to the new formatting and it’s definitely growing on me.
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Re: Tour Section Update

Post by helicine »

I've been tweaking the fonts and font sizes a bit over the past few days, mostly on the detail pages
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Re: Tour Section Update

Post by helicine »

I made some additional "quality of life" changes/tweaks to the tour list display over the last week.

I've also adjusted the highlighting/etc. of upcoming shows to flip based on the current time in Los Angeles.

Seemed appropriate, and better than the excessive effort to try and make it display correct, based on the location for each individual date... maybe I'll feel different if Jane's embarks on an international tour some day.
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Re: Tour Section Update

Post by helicine »

I made new tweaks to the tour list display code, which should catch rare instances where it might not have been displaying the correct thing. Debunked shows w/ artwork will now always show the check icon, where it wasn't prior.

I also improved how future shows are detected so things are less likely to display wrong (or prematurely) for shows that haven't actually taken place yet

Finally, I added (but ended up disabling) code to differentiate mobile video recording from other video recordings. Visually it works fine, I just go back-and-forth on the value of it.

Certainly for the earliest mobile captures, the quality is terrible and really tests the argument that "something is always better than nothing" - but the quality of mobile cameras has improved so much that you're sometimes getting better video than anything we've seen from "real video cameras".

Might be more worthwhile differentiating clips vs. partial & full shows - but that might be a lot of effort to get in place.
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