Re: 2010.06.11 Rock In Rio, Madrid, Spain
Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 5:30 pm
the Jane's Addiction resource's Addiction has swept the World Stage
Su estilo musical, gran escaparate de influencias incluyendo hard rock y heavy metal , no ha dejado indiferente a nadie. His musical style, great showcase of influences including hard rock and heavy metal, has left an impression.
Desde su primer álbum Nothing´s Shocking , lanzado en 1988, el grupo no ha dejado de cosechar éxitos. Since his first album Nothing's Shocking, released in 1988, the group has continued to reap success.
Jane´s Addiction se posiciona entre uno de los mejores artistas de rock duro y esto es algo que no podía faltar en La Ciudad del Rock! Jane's Addiction is positioned between one of the greatest artists of hard rock and this is something that could not miss in the City of Rock!
El público ha estado frenético y con su música han disfrutado de un directo inolvidable para muchos. The public has been hectic and his music has enjoyed a memorable live for many. Miles de seguidores se han dejado llevar hoy por sus temas. Thousands of followers have now been carried away by their subjects.
Guitarras alternativas con mucho gancho que ha revolucionado el Escenario Mundo. Guitars alternatives with much hook that has revolutionized the World Stage.
Sus cuatro componentes han hecho del concierto una explosión de ritmos y guitarras acompañadas por la ya característica voz de su vocalista, Perry Farrel. Its four components have made the concert an explosion of rhythms and guitars and accompanied by the distinctive voice of their vocalist, Perry Farrell.
Eran muchos los que esperaban ver a la banda en directo; los mismos que han podido comprobar que la buena calidad de este grupo se mide tanto por sus discos como por sus directos. There were many who hoped to see the band live, which we will have proved that good quality of this group is measured as much for his records as for its direct.
El grupo ha abierto con Mountain y Stop y ha causado sensación con Whores y Stealing, entre otros. The group opened with Mountain and Stop and caused a sensation with Whores and Stealing, among others. Puso punto final con Jane Says y Chip Away. He endpoint and Chip Away Jane Says.